Opyn’s oTokens were just added to Gnosis Protocol (formerly called Dfusion), a decentralized orderbook exchange by Gnosis. The $200 05/29/2020 oETH puts are now tradable via Mesa, a DAO-built interface on top of the Gnosis Protocol launched by the DXdao, or directly on the smart contract level.
We are super excited to be working with Gnosis on this launch, who will provide liquidity for this series on the orderbook until expiry. This allows users to trade between Uniswap and GP, and to try an entirely new way of trading oTokens while maintaining their permissionless nature. In the future, anyone can add new series to GP or market make as well.
We would love to thank Martin and Rafa of the Gnosis team for making this possible!
Protective Put Option Parameters:
- Strike price: 200 USDC
- Underlying Asset: ETH
- Collateral Asset: USDC
- Expiration: May 29, 2020, 8:00AM UTC
- oToken address: 0x7cac16770dd5f2a59859a395a492224f05a846b6